Reporting API

Documentation about the VoiceOps reporting API

What is the ideal integration upload choice when sending data to VoiceOps?
The ideal integration upload choice when sending data to VoiceOps is FTP. Make sure to send the data to the VoiceOps FTP server in a secure, encrypted fashi...
Tue, 2 Mar, 2021 at 3:09 PM
Getting Credentials
Email VoiceOps at to add API access to your user account.  You will receive an API key and Secret key after API access has been enabled...
Mon, 17 May, 2021 at 8:22 AM
Call Exporting
All call exporting endpoints return a CSV file and use the same set of options: { “api_key”: “<your api key>”, “secret_key”: “<your secret ke...
Mon, 17 May, 2021 at 8:28 AM
User Engagement Exporting
All user engagement exporting endpoints return a CSV file and use the same set of options: { “api_key”: “<your api key>”, “secret_key”: “<you...
Mon, 17 May, 2021 at 8:26 AM
What is the correct naming scheme for audio files?
In order to process data in a streamlined manner, all calls need to follow the naming scheme shown below. <rep integration id>_<occured at time...
Tue, 2 Mar, 2021 at 3:10 PM
Making a Request
VoiceOps accepts JSON-bodied POST requests only. You must send the API key and Secret key in the JSON request body: { “api_key”: “<your api key&...
Mon, 17 May, 2021 at 8:22 AM
What is the correct naming scheme for metadata additions?
If you would like to include additional/miscellaneous metadata (beyond the rep's integration id and the call's occurred at), please provide this via...
Tue, 2 Mar, 2021 at 3:11 PM
Removing Authentication
When a user account is deactivated on VoiceOps, the user’s API access will also be revoked.
Mon, 17 May, 2021 at 8:23 AM