All call exporting endpoints return a CSV file and use the same set of options:
“api_key”: “<your api key>”,
“secret_key”: “<your secret key>”,
“start_date”: “04-30-2021”, # required, MM-DD-YYYY
“end_date” : “05-01-2021”, # optional, defaults to current time. MM-DD-YYYY
“metadata_fields”: [“field1", "field2", "field3”] # optional, adds metadata fields to each row
“call_types”: “call type name 1,call type name 2”, # optional, filter by call type name, or `all`. Defaults to `all`.
“teams”: “team one,team two” # optional, filter by team name, or `all`. Defaults to `all`.
Returns all base call data.
Returns all call events, duplicating each call row for each event in a given call. (An event is a single speaker item of a call's transcript).
This endpoint also supports filtering results by a rep's integration_id and/or a call's metadata, e.g.
“api_key”: “<your api key>”,
“secret_key”: “<your secret key>”,
“integration_ids”: [“id_abc_123”, “id_def_456”],
“metadata_filter_fields”: {
"incontact_id": "id_ghi_789",
"salesforce_name": "sf_name"
<in addition to the standard params>
Returns all call behaviors, duplicating each call row for each behavior in a given call.
Returns all call skills, duplicating each call row for each skill in a given call, and giving an occurrence count for each skill in the call.
Returns all call outcomes, duplicating each call row for each outcome in a call type, indicating presence for each call.
Returns all call tags, duplicating each call row for each tag in a given call.
Quick Example: Curl Usage
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -v --data '{"api_key": "<your api key>", "secret_key": "<your secret key>", "start_date": "04-30-2021"}' > behaviors.csv
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -v --data '{"api_key": "<your api key>", "secret_key": "<your secret key>", "start_date": "04-30-2021", "metadata_fields": ["incontact_id", "salesforce_name"], "teams": "Team 1"}' > calls.csv
All general call data after 04/30/2021
POST to { “api_key”: “<your api key>”, “secret_key”: “<your secret key>”, “start_date”: “04-30-2021” }
All behavior & general call data after 04/30/2021
POST to { “api_key”: “<your api key>”, “secret_key”: “<your secret key>”, “start_date”: “04-30-2021” }
All behavior & general call data between 04/30/2021 and 05/01/2021
POST to { “api_key”: “<your api key>”, “secret_key”: “<your secret key>”, “start_date”: “04-30-2021”, “end_date”: “05-01-2021” }
All behavior data, general call data, and “id” metadata after 04/30/2021
POST to { “api_key”: “<your api key>”, “secret_key”: “<your secret key>”, “start_date”: “04-30-2021”, “metadata_fields”: “id” }
All general call data and “id” metadata after 04/30/2021 for team “Team 1”
POST to { “api_key”: “<your api key>”, “secret_key”: “<your secret key>”, “start_date”: “04-30-2021”, “metadata_fields”: “id”, “team”: “Team 1” }
All general call data and “id” metadata after 04/30/2021 for call type “Inbound”
POST to { “api_key”: “<your api key>”, “secret_key”: “<your secret key>”, “start_date”: “04-30-2021”, “metadata_fields”: “id”, “call_type”: “Inbound” }