Use the rep summary section to take a deep dive into the agents on a given team and figure out specifically which reps are in which category.
On the right hand sidebar, there is a filter for “team_name” where you can check the box for specifically the team you want to take a deeper dive into. If you select a new team and then click “apply” the report display will update and will only show you the information in the rep summary section for the selected team. This can make it easier to see precisely the data you’re looking for.
Coaching Coverage by Rep
After viewing the previous table and understanding what it happening at a high level, you can use “Coaching Coverage by Rep” to dive into a specific team and figure out specifically which reps are in which category.
Coaching coverage by rep reports on:
The number of calls coached for a given rep (“num_calls_coached”)
The number of comment threads they received (“num_comment_threads”)
The number of forms they had completed (“total_forms_completed”)
“Perc_calls_engaged” shows the percentage of “num_calls_coached” where the rep responded to at least 1 item of coaching left on a given call.
This table can allow you to quickly see how much coaching each rep is getting and which coaching status category they belong to!
Number of Calls Coached by Rep
Identify at a glance whether or not a particular rep is being coached. This graph is a visualization of the number of calls coached displayed in the previous table.
Coaching Engagement by Rep
This table allows you to dive deeper into understanding the “Perc_calls_engaged” statistic from the previous table and lets you explore how your reps are engaging with the coaching they
receive. This table displays a couple key measurements that allow you to get a full understanding of the rep engagement in the platform:
“Num_calls_coached” is the same as in the previous table, included here so you can understand how many calls it was possibly for the rep to engage with coaching on
“Num_calls_seen_by_rep” reports, of the number of calls that were coached, how many of these did the rep view? We understand sometimes we don’t need the rep to engage with coaching, rather we just want to make sure that they are reviewing feedback.
“Num_calls_rep_engaged” shows the number of calls were the rep responded to at least one of the comments made on those calls.
“Num_reply_requests” displays the number of reply requests the rep received
“Num_reply_requests_answered” displays the number of the reply requests that the rep responded to.
Comment Reply Request Responses By Rep
This graph provides a quick and handy visualization of the data in the previous table. It looks specifically at reply requests - times we have explicitly asked the rep to engage - and breaks down the reply request by if the rep responded to them or not. We can very quickly see which reps are high engagers and which reps we’ll need to make more of an effort to engage with our coaching.
Reps Who Didn't View or Engage With Any Coaching
This table can help you quickly identify which reps will need the most work to drive engagement. This report is filtered to show which reps did not even view, let alone engage, in platform with the coaching they received. This can help you quickly reach out to those reps and identify if they are having platform access issues, they are unclear on their response expectations, or if there is some other barrier to having them engage!