Use the Filters in the right sidebar to change the data displayed in the dashboard to change what data is visible, how it is grouped, and its range.

Please be sure to click "Apply" so that your changes take effect.


The dashboard shows all statistics for the current calendar week so that you can track progress throughout the week and follow up with any coaches or reps who aren’t using VoiceOps as expected.  

DATE_GROUPING: Switch between data aggregated for the calendar week (“week”) or the calendar month (“month”). 

TIME_PERIOD: Change the data range from the current week/month to the previous week/month, or two/three/four weeks/months ago. 

Be sure to click “apply” after you change any of the filters to refresh the data on the page!


The dashboard shows data for all teams and coaches by default  

TEAM NAME: To focus on a particular team, uncheck (Select All) and then check the team that you’d like to display.

COACH NAME: To focus on a particular coach, uncheck (Select All) and then check the coach or coaches that you’d like to review.  

All managers can coach in VoiceOps.  If you have managers who don’t coach, and you want to exclude them from reporting in the dashboard, contact to have them excluded.  By doing so, they are still managers and can coach, but their coaching statistics are not available in the dashboard.