Coaching Focus Overview

Coaches  can set a Coaching Focus for individual reps.   Coaching Focus: 

  • Gives each rep a behavior to focus on
  • Keeps coaches and reps aligned on that focus
  • Shift focus when the rep performance improves

You can change the Coaching Focus at any time, or set a rep to have no focus.

The Coaching Focus does not restrict your coaching to the selected focus; you can still coach on any skill or behavior.  

Using Coaching Focus

Coaching Focus is available in the Rep list.

Viewing the Coaching Focus

Mouse over the rep name to view the current Coaching Focus.

Setting the Coaching Focus

To set or change the Coaching Focus for a rep:

1. Open the Coaching Focus admin panel.

2. Select a user.

3. Select a focus for the rep.  

3.  Repeat as needed for other reps.

4. Save your changes.

Using the Coaching Focus

In the Coaching Focus dialog, you can see who assigned the Coaching Focus, and how long the rep has had the Coaching Focus.

When you enable Focus Mode, the default focus will be the Coaching Focus assigned to the rep. 

You can change Focus Mode to another behavior.  Changing Focus Mode does not change the rep’s Coaching Focus.